5 min reading - Sep 01, 2021
Clothing is one of the basic items that humans need to survive. You simply cannot do without it. It also means that clothing is one of those items where most of your money goes. It is a necessary expense, but it does not mean you have to go broke trying to meet this basic human need. You need to discover when the best time is to buy clothes so you don’t have to break the bank.
If you like to buy clothes but want to save money at the same time, you might have asked yourself this question a few times. There is nothing better than getting a better deal when buying clothes.
Before you hit the retail rack to pick up new additions to your closet, think about these recommended times to buy clothes first.
1. End of Season
This is obviously one of the best times to buy clothes because no one else is going to be buying them until next year. For this reason, retail shops offer a major price drop on end of season sale items. Some discounts can be as huge as 50% off!
For example, when the summer season transitions to fall, it is the perfect time to buy summer clothes as stores will want to put the summer items away. To clear the inventory, the shops will offer huge discounts to entice consumers to buy these items before the inventory for fall arrives.
Even if you might not be able to use these clothing items now, you have them ready for next summer, and you will only spend at least half of what you ought to spend when you buy in season.
2. Boxing Day
The day after Christmas, also known as Boxing Day, is one of the best days of the year to shop for any items, especially clothing. There are plenty of sales and promotions offered by stores, both locally and online. If you are looking to score a deal on new clothes, make sure to save up your shopping money for Boxing Day.
As with end of season products, retail shops need to move the products that are left in their inventory. Offering the clothing items at a drastic price drop is a sure-fire way to get people buying. If you are buying locally, if you can handle the crowds, you will be rewarded with huge savings.
3. Black Friday
Aside from Boxing Day, Black Friday is another time of the year when you can expect major deals on clothing items. If you have been eyeing a new dress or jeans, pause for a moment and wait for the Black Friday deals to come.
This is one of the most anticipated sale events of the year because you can make up to 80% savings on most merchandise, including clothes.
4. Back to School
The back to school season is in September, and while shopping is the last thing on everyone’s mind, it is exactly this reason why this is the best time to buy clothes. During this season, not only are families getting the kids ready to go back to school, but most people are back from their summer vacation. Shopping is not on anyone’s cards – or budget.
To boost sales in this slow, back-to-school shopping season, a lot of shops offer insane deals. Make sure to take advantage of them!
5. Following a Major Holiday
Most people’s shopping activities peak right before a major holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. Therefore, the best time to buy clothes is right after a major holiday has passed because consumers are no longer intent on buying until the next holiday arrives.
Retail shops offer clearance or inventory sales during this time of the year in order to move products that were left over from the holiday shopping season. You can take advantage of this to score major deals on clothing items you’ve had your eye on.
6. Spring Break
If you think that spring break isn’t the best time to buy clothes – think again. This is one of the best times of the year to shop for clothes because most people who go on spring break vacations have spent their money on bookings and hotels. Therefore, shopping is the last thing on anyone’s mind.
If you are seeking the best deals, this is a good opportunity to exploit. The sales and discounts are not as significant as the others listed here, but it is still much better than paying for your clothes at full price.
7. White Sale
The White Sale is something that not a lot of people know about. It usually takes place in January right after the Christmas holidays. Since sales are low during this time of the year, it is a tactic employed by retailers in order to entice buyers to shop. The discounts you get are not as substantial as other major sales, but are still worth checking out, especially if you need to buy new clothes.
Aside from the aforementioned sales, it is also important to look at the specific time of the week in terms of knowing when is the best time to buy clothes. Experts suggest that there are optimal times to buy clothes based on what you want to buy.
Monday is one of the best times to shop during the week. Most retailers offer nearly 50% off on clothes due to the fact that traffic is low and there are not a lot of shoppers. Tuesday and Wednesday are also good for shopping for men’s and women’s apparel. On weekends, sales might pick up, but the deals are not as good as during the earlier part of the week. If you are looking to buy specific items, you might consider shopping on weekends as there might be specific deals to suit them.
When it comes to shopping for clothes, you need to be smart and know the optimal times to do your shopping. This will give you the best value for your money.
You can also use sites like StyleShake.com to search for the latest fashion trends and even be alerted to when your favourite brands release next seasons clothing items.